I didn't enjoy this project at all. I didn't like the fact that we couldn't choose the people we wanted to have in our group and that they had to choose for us. I didn't like that we had to go and buy formal clothing because why should we waste our money on something we are only gonna use once? We can waste that money on something better like King Taco ♥ I didn't like that there was this one
person in our group that had to criticize every
single thing I did. I only liked that my part of the
project was easy because I was the conclusion. I
didn't like that we had to rehearse in front of the
whole class. I think what i hated most was our
argument because I disagreed completely.
Our topic was hepatitis and the argument was
education classes should not be taught at an early
age which Is not true in my opinion. But it had to
be what the group wanted and I just felt so
uncomfortable arguing for something I was
against for. I did feel super nervous the day of the
presentation because I had that sick feeling in my
stomach and I felt the urge to go to the restroom.
As my group members were presenting my heart
was pounding because I was gonna be next and I
didn't want to but when it was my turn I felt no
nerves at all and I spoke calmly. I still didn't like
this project and I hope we don't have to do it again

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