Student Success Statement
“Be cool in school – live every rule"
Mr. Haymore

Being cool in school, I guess is just getting good grades and being respectful. None of that chunti stuff, ya know? Like smoking or dressing inappropriate. That doesn't make you look cool. That makes you look like a wannabe. It makes you look like a follower. It's like you're trying too hard to fit in. And you're not being yourself. And honestly that's just not cool. It's also not cool for girls to be going around dressed slutty because then you make guys think wrong of you. Those girls make themselves seem too available if you know what i mean. That doesn't make you look cool, it makes you seem like a prostitute. It's also not considered cool when boys try to make themselves known as players. They hit on all the girls and expect to get some from them and it just makes them seem like cheap jerks. Oh and if you think it's cool to go around flirting, and playing along with your best friend's crush and having the nerve to actually kiss him knowing how she feels about him, then that doesn't make you cool it makes you a total skank and a fake friend.