"When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive."

Alan Platon
I don't agree with this quote at all. I agree if it were a simple mistake but if it's a deep injury, something that has caused you to feel pain and made you cry then i don't think forgiveness should be allowed in the situation. I have had so many people do things to me that I will never ever forgive because If I did I would allow myself to get hurt again and the whole point is to stay away from pain. For example I will never forgive the boys and girls that bullied me during elementary and middle school. I will never forgive the girl that claimed to be my best friend and would flirt with my crush and ended up kissing him. I will never forgive that same douche-bag who put me through so much pain with all the things he did to me and how much he made me cry. He is a horrible person whom I will never give my pity to ever again. He should be ashamed and he makes me feel disgusted. I will never forgive him.
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